.64 oz is more than .34 oz.
They are equal because 544 divided by 16 = 34. You have to divide. If the number is bigger multiply. If not, divide. So, it's equal
12 lb is bigger than 8 oz. 1/2 lb is the same as 8 oz.
Why do you ask a question like this. It is obvious 3 is bigger than 1 so of course a 3.4 oz bottle will be bigger than a 1.7 oz bottle
Yes. 34 lb is 544 oz.
34 fl oz = 1.0052 L 5 L = 169.12 fl oz 5 L is much bigger (in volume) than 34 fl oz.
To determine which is bigger between .34 fl. oz and .5 fl. oz, we can convert both values to a common denominator. Since both values are in fluid ounces, we can directly compare them. In this case, .5 fl. oz is larger than .34 fl. oz because .5 is greater than .34.
3.4 oz is bigger then 1.7 oz... i was just buying a perfume... if you need a good way to remember think of this 3 is bigger then 1... i don't mean to say that in a mean way like go back to kindergarten and learn your numbers i mean it is just a nice way to remember...well hope this helped!...it was the justin bieber perfume. buy it!
They are both the same weight!
.64 oz is more than .34 oz.
Obviously 50 oz is bigger!!
17 oz is bigger than 0.05 oz.
well obviously 5 ounces is bigger then 1 ounce...
0.85 is smaller than 1. 3.4 is bigger than 1. "Bigger than 1" is bigger than "smaller than 1".