

Is .8 feet longer than .80 feet?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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No. .8 is the same as .80 or .800 or .8000, you get the idea.

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Q: Is .8 feet longer than .80 feet?
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Is 80 inches longer than 8 feet?

no. 1 feet = 12 inches so you take 12x8=96 96 is more then 80 so it's no

Which is larger 80 inches or 8 feet?

8 feet= 8x12 which is 96. 96 inches is greater than 80 inches, so 8 feet is larger than 80 inches.

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8 yards is three times longer than 8 feet.

Are 80 inches bigger than 8 feet?

12 inches times 8 is 96 inches, not 80

Is 8 yards longer than 8 feet?

yes , 3 feet = 1 yard, you do the math

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8 centimeters is 16 times longer than 5 millimeters. Since there are 10 millimeters in a centimeter, 8 centimeters is the same is 80 millimeters. 80/5 = 16.

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80 feet x 8 feet = 640 square feet.

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No 2 yards = 6 feet.

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98 ÷ 12 = 8 feet 2 inchesTherefore. 98 inches is longer than 8 feet.

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Two factors of 80 are 8 and 10, and one of these is 2 more than the other, so the length is 10 feet and the width is 8 feet.

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4 feet

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100 inches is grater than 8 feet