No, 0.055 is not greater than 0.06. When comparing decimal numbers, you look at the digits to the left of the decimal point first. In this case, both numbers have 0 as the whole number part. Moving to the right of the decimal point, 0.06 is greater than 0.055 because the digit in the hundredths place (5 in 0.055 and 6 in 0.06) determines their relative size.
No. 6>4
006 (ignore the noughts)
yes. If we multiply 5.6 with 10 and if we multiply 5.006 with 10 we get 50.06 and 56>50.06 and hence 5.6 is greater than 5.006
No. It is 12:55 AM.
To find a number that is 100 times smaller than 6, you would divide 6 by 100. This calculation gives you 0.06 as the decimal representation of the number that is 100 times smaller than 6.
0.6 is greater than 0.006
No. 6>4
006 (ignore the noughts)
yes. If we multiply 5.6 with 10 and if we multiply 5.006 with 10 we get 50.06 and 56>50.06 and hence 5.6 is greater than 5.006
0.01% of 006 = 006*0.01/100 = 0.0006
0.00006 or .006%
.006 is smaller.
No. It is 12:55 AM.
To find a number that is 100 times smaller than 6, you would divide 6 by 100. This calculation gives you 0.06 as the decimal representation of the number that is 100 times smaller than 6.
Friday (Julian calendar)
.004 to .006 in. on the intake and .006 to.008 in. on the exhaust
greater than