1.004-.016 = 0.988
The answer can be another fraction and a whole number or it can be a whole number.
A product of a given whole number and another whole number = whole numbers
It is 2/125.
0.375 is not a whole number and cannot be a whole number. The nearest whole number is 0.
1.004-.016 = 0.988
Ignore 7 for the moment and place .016 over 1. .016/1 move decimal palaces all the way right to whole numbers, top and bottom 16/1000 factor out 8 8*2/8*125 as factors top and bottom 8 can be canceled 2/125 now bring back in the 7 7 and 2/125 --------------------mixed number
132.65 x (the number of men on the job)
Where can you find air force allowance standard 016
The product of a whole number with a whole number is a whole number. A whole number is an integer ( a counting number).
The product of a whole number and another whole number is a whole number.
The answer can be another fraction and a whole number or it can be a whole number.
Yes,0,1,2,3..... Are whole numbers
No. 7 is a whole number and 54 is a whole number but 7 is not "a whole number for" any number.
A product of a given whole number and another whole number = whole numbers