No, any number with a decimal point is not an integer, it is a real number.
.036 lbs/in^3
an integer plus and integer will always be an integer. We say integers are closed under addition.
If the integer subtracted is smaller than or equal to the first integer, then the answer is positive. Otherwise, if the integer subtracted is larger, then the answer is negative.
It is not an integer, nor can it ever be an integer. It can, however, be rounded to the nearest integer, in which case 0.1 will round to 0 to the nearest integer.
036 - 2011 is rated/received certificates of: Spain:7
The cast of 036 - 2011 includes: Carolina Bang as Susana
The Stihl 036 Pro is 61.5cc with a 34mm stroke, 48mm bore, and makes 4.6 horsepower at 9500 rpm.
American transit
Sinus pill
I think it is .036
any where from .036 to .055
2,200 x .036 (3.6%) = 79.2
.036 inches or .913 mm.
.036% move the decimal over twice