0.3 is less than 1. In decimal form, numbers are read from left to right based on their place value. The digit to the left of the decimal point represents whole numbers, while the digits to the right represent fractions of a whole. In this case, 0.3 is less than 1 because it is three-tenths, which is a fraction of 1.
1.45-.12 is 1.33 which is greater than 1
less than 9 - 8.4 = 0.6 1 - 0.6 = 0.4
less than
0.9 is less than 1
1.45-.12 is 1.33 which is greater than 1
less than 9 - 8.4 = 0.6 1 - 0.6 = 0.4
3.29 is greater than 1.
1-4 equal less than and greater than = -3
greater than
If the denominator is positive and the numerator is less than the denominator then the fraction is less than 1. If the denominator is positive and the numerator is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than 1.
less than
0.9 is less than 1
1 is less than 99