No. A whole number will be on the left side of the decimal point. For example, a 2 in 2.43 is a whole number.
The answer can be another fraction and a whole number or it can be a whole number.
A product of a given whole number and another whole number = whole numbers
a whole number
1.5 is not a whole number and cannot be converted to a whole number.
The nearest whole number to 200 is 200 itself. In mathematics, when determining the nearest whole number, you look at the whole number that is closest to the given number. Since 200 is already a whole number, it is the nearest whole number to itself.
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There is no 043 code in use in the Philippines (according to the BT website).
need manual for garrison air conditioner/fan/dehumifider.Model number 043-5486-2 9000 btu.
The country with the area code 043 is Austria.
The product of a whole number with a whole number is a whole number. A whole number is an integer ( a counting number).
The product of a whole number and another whole number is a whole number.
The answer can be another fraction and a whole number or it can be a whole number.
Yes,0,1,2,3..... Are whole numbers
No. 7 is a whole number and 54 is a whole number but 7 is not "a whole number for" any number.
A product of a given whole number and another whole number = whole numbers
They are one whole number and another whole number.