Yes, 11.72 is bigger by .008
008 is the same as 8, and 0.04 is smaller than 8.
Written in word format, 32 005 008 is thirty two million five thousand, eight.
Yes, 11.72 is bigger by .008
8 mm, .08 dm, .008 cm, .0008 meters
008 = 8 = 800%
A Bigger Piece of Sky was created on 1993-10-08.
Bigger Than My Body was created on 2003-08-25.
.008 = 8/1000 = 1/125
.008 inches = 0.2032 mm Direct Conversion Formula .008 in* 25.4 mm 1 in = 0.2032 mm
Bigger Than Both of Us was created in 1976-08.
008 is the same as 8, and 0.04 is smaller than 8.
0.16 is bigger than 0.08