Well, honey, technically speaking, 0.8 is the same as 80%. It's like saying a dime is the same as 10 cents - different ways to express the same value. So yes, 0.8 and 80% are two peas in a pod when it comes to numerical values.
80 % of 310 = 310*08 = 248
.08 cents
Yes... it is the same
Not exactly. 08 should switch to 80.
Do you mean .8? or .08? For the first one it would be: 80 and the other one: 8
80 % of 310 = 310*08 = 248
.08 cents
It depends where the decimal point is. 0.08 is 8 percent. 0.80 is 80 percent. 08.00 is 800 percent.
.08 Gigabytes is the same as 80 Megabytes.
answer is 36
08%0.008 is the same as 0.8 percent (0.8%).
Eighty percent is the same as: 4 out of 5 8 out of 10 20 out of 25 80 out of 100
80% is the same as 0.80 and 0.80*25122.90 = 20098.32
80% is the same as 0.8 and 0.8*104 = 83.2
30 is 80 percent of 37.5
percent of 0.08 = 8%