No, 0.98 is not bigger than 0.980. While both numbers appear similar, the additional zero at the end of 0.980 indicates that it is a more precise representation of the number 0.98. In decimal form, trailing zeros after the decimal point do not change the value of the number, so 0.980 is equivalent to 0.98.
It depends on what units are used for 098. 098 inches are significantly less than a mile but 098 light years or even .098 light years is a hugely greater distance than a mile. I hope this teaches you that units are important: they are not there simply because some mathematicians had some space to fill!
1080 980 + 100 = 1080 the statement "more than" implies addition.
980 + 980 + 980 + 980 + 980 + 980 + 980 = 6860
098 = ninety-eight
the percentage of 980 = 98000%980 * 100% = 98000%
098 multiplied by 0.3 is 29.4