Yes, .04 is greater than .009
.009 is greater than .002
Anything that's: .12 > x > .008 x is are the numbers that are less than .12 and larger than .008.
Yes, 11.72 is bigger by .008
009 & 0.05 Since there is no decimal point for '009' , then drop the prefix zeroes to '9' & 0.05 Hence 9 > 0.05 However, if you mean 0.09 or 0.009 please ensure that you put in the decimal point. In both cases '0.09' & '0.009' there will be different answers. 0.09 > 0.05 & 0.009 < 0.05
Yes, .04 is greater than .009
009 (9) is greater than 005 (5) by 004 (4)
Yes. You actually don't even need the zeros 8 is less than 9
.009 is greater than .002
Less than
.009 and .008
Anything that's: .12 > x > .008 x is are the numbers that are less than .12 and larger than .008.
Yes, 11.72 is bigger by .008
009 & 0.05 Since there is no decimal point for '009' , then drop the prefix zeroes to '9' & 0.05 Hence 9 > 0.05 However, if you mean 0.09 or 0.009 please ensure that you put in the decimal point. In both cases '0.09' & '0.009' there will be different answers. 0.09 > 0.05 & 0.009 < 0.05
.006 intake and.008 exhaust