It depends if there is a decimal. If you mean .01 and .01000 then, yes, they are the same. If you mean 01 and 01000 then they are very different. The first is 1 and the other is 1000.
Without a decimal point, they are both the same. If you asked "Which is less .01 or .001", then .001 is the smaller number.
If you can use the same number twice, such as 11 or 22, then there are 100 possible numbers (00, and 01-99). If you can not use the same number twice, the answer is 90.
milli = .01 1 millimeter = .01 meters 1 milligram = .01 grams 1 milliliter = .01 liters etc.
01 = 00001 11 = 01011 21 = 10101 02 = 00010 12 = 01100 22 = 10110 03 = 00011 13 = 01101 23 = 10111 04 = 00100 14 = 01110 24 = 11000 05 = 00101 15 = 01111 25 = 11001 06 = 00110 16 = 10000 26 = 11010 07 = 00111 17 = 10001 27 = 11011 08 = 01000 18 = 10010 28 = 11110 09 = 01001 19 = 10011 29 = 11101 10 = 01010 20 = 10100 30 = 11111
Same Ole Me was created in 1982-01.
Same Place was created in 2009-01.
1% is the same as .01 times the original number. For instance, 1% of 500 is the same as .01 x 500 = 5.
Same Jeans was created on 2007-01-15.
The Name's the Same - 1951 1955-01-03 was released on: USA: 3 January 1955
The Name's the Same - 1951 1955-01-10 was released on: USA: 10 January 1955