If it ever ends, then it is.
If there are no digits after the decimal point, it's an integer.
an integer plus and integer will always be an integer. We say integers are closed under addition.
If the integer subtracted is smaller than or equal to the first integer, then the answer is positive. Otherwise, if the integer subtracted is larger, then the answer is negative.
It is not an integer, nor can it ever be an integer. It can, however, be rounded to the nearest integer, in which case 0.1 will round to 0 to the nearest integer.
Yes; the square of any integer is also an integer.Yes; the square of any integer is also an integer.Yes; the square of any integer is also an integer.Yes; the square of any integer is also an integer.
a negative integer
yes it is a number pattern is a patten that goes 1212121212
1,212,121,212 is the ratio of 1,212,121,212 to ' 1 ' ... perfectly rational.
go to the rapid roll new game then press 1212121212#again and again1212122121211#1212121#212
No, it is an integer.
The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.
Yes, the square of an integer is always an integer.
the square of an integer will always be an integer
The square root of an integer is a CYCLOTOMIC integer.
1448 is an integer.
Yes, always.
an integer plus and integer will always be an integer. We say integers are closed under addition.
It cannot be done. The basic rules of math. odd integer plus odd integer = even integer. odd integer plus even integer = odd integer. Always. odd integer plus odd integer plus odd integer = odd integer. Always.