A gb (gigabyte) is a unit of storage. A mg (milligram) is a unit of mass. The two units measure two different things and therefore are incompatible.
"Giga" is a prefix used with different units. It means a billion (a thousand million). That's the exact value used in physics. If it refers to computer data (as in "GB" - gigabytes), it may mean 10243 instead, which is about 7% more than a billion.
The KFC mega jug can hold up to 2 liters, which is slightly more than a half gallon.
mega = 106 giga = 109 tera = 1012 exa = 1015 peta = 1018
No, Super is bigger.
1 Giga Byte is 1024 Mega Bytes because Gb was made after Mb. Giga means 1 billion and Mega means 1 million. A billion is one thousand X one million.
TB (terabyte) is larger than GB (gigabyte)
1 MB or MegaByte
yes. it takes 1000 kilobytes to make a mega byte, 1000 mega bytes to make a gigabyte, 1000 gigabytes to make a terabyte. And 1000 bytes make up a kilobyte P.S. it takes 8 bits to make up a byte.
A GB (gigabyte) is 1,000 time bigger than a MB (megabyte).
Megabytes means millions of bytes. Actually a bit more, because of the way "mega" is used in computer science. So, 500 megabyte is a little more than 500 million bytes. It is also about 1/2 of a gigabyte.
A GB is a giga byte, which is larger than a MG or mega byte. A mega byte is 10 to the 6th power, a giga byte is 10 to the 9th power. A giga byte then goes into a mega byte .66666 times. If you need how many mega bytes into a giga byte, it's 1.5.
There is a big difference between 1Giga and 1Mega. 1 Giga is equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes and 1 Mega is equal to 1,000,000. The Gigabyte is much bigger than the Megabyte.
Assuming the 1G refers 1 GB(or Gigabyte) no, 256mb is not more than that. MB, or a Megabyte is equal to 1,000,000 bytes. Therefore, 256MB is 256,000,000 bytes. Whereas a GB, or Gigabyte is equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes.
Its probably more than you will ever use. Its roughly 400,000,000,000 bytes.
Another (similar) answer: Giga means billion (1,073,741,824 when referring to bytes) while Mega means million (1,048,576 when referring to bytes). Hence, a Gigabyte (Gb) is larger than a Megabyte (Mb), 1024 times larger to be exact. There are 1024 Mbs in one Gb. There is 1/1024 Gb in one Mb.