To determine how many times 16 can go into 145, we divide 145 by 16. The quotient is the whole number of times 16 can fit into 145 without going over. In this case, 16 can go into 145 9 times, with a remainder of 1.
To find out how many times 13 goes into 145, you would perform a division operation. Divide 145 by 13 to get the quotient, which is 11.153846. Since we are looking for whole number times, we would consider only the whole number part of the quotient, which is 11. Therefore, 13 goes into 145 exactly 11 times.
Yes. Just divide 145 by 2. 145 ÷ 2 = 72.5
Oh, honey, half of 290 is 145. It's not rocket science, just simple division. So, there you go, half of 290 is 145. Hope that clears things up for you, dear.
To the nearest whole number, exactly 145 centimetres!
145 is an odd number. All whole numbers ending in five are odd.
To determine how many times 16 can go into 145, we divide 145 by 16. The quotient is the whole number of times 16 can fit into 145 without going over. In this case, 16 can go into 145 9 times, with a remainder of 1.
There is no "6" in 145.
To find out how many times 13 goes into 145, you would perform a division operation. Divide 145 by 13 to get the quotient, which is 11.153846. Since we are looking for whole number times, we would consider only the whole number part of the quotient, which is 11. Therefore, 13 goes into 145 exactly 11 times.
5 x 29 = 145
There are 145 tenths in 14.5. This is because each whole number represents 10 tenths, and the decimal point separates the whole number from the tenths. Therefore, the number 14 has 140 tenths, and the additional 0.5 represents an additional 5 tenths, totaling 145 tenths in 14.5.
0 (-145) = -145
53.65 is 37 percent of 145.
5 x 29 = 145
145 percent (1.45) as a mixed number = 19/20
no it is not a prime number