It is 225.
You can round up to 225 or down to 224.
225 is the square of 15...
There is only one number that equals 225. The number is 225.
The number 225 in binary is 11100001
Yes and it is 225 when rounded to the nearest whole number
YES. 15 squared which is 225 is a whole number.
what will be a whole number for an rectangular area of 225 yards?
It is 225.
Yes. Any number that is the result of a whole number multiplied by itself is a square number. Since 15 squared (152) = 225, the square root of 225 is 15.
If that's 225.11, it rounds to 225. If not, it's already there.
It is 225.
152 = 225
no.. take an example.. 150 is divided by both 75 and 3..but not by 225..