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Simpler but more long winded explanation

Almost always (especially in regular, day-to-day life) 23% of a number is larger than 2.3% of the same amount.

The complications begin when you get into percentages of negative numbers (numbers smaller than 0). Because when you divide negative numbers by positive numbers, or visa versa, you get (0-the answer to your positive equivalent of your sum). Because the further away you get from zero the lower you number gets and therefore the lower a positive number is the higher it's negative equivalent. This is quite difficult to explain. The better explainers of you lot out there may wish to replace this segment but for now i will leave a little equation for you.

Geekier explanations


There you have your longer-winded and geekier explanations.

Imaginary Version

I believe the behaviour of imaginary numbers is similar to the real number system for this problem, although

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