3852 100 + 3752 = 3852
0.75 is larger. To determine which decimals are larger, always look at the first number after the decimal point. Whichever digit is larger is the larger number. If they're the same, look to the second digit to see which is bigger, and so on. In this case, because 7 is greater than 3, 0.75 is larger than 0.375.
375 grams is less than 1 kilogram. This can be calculated by converting 375 grams to 0.375 kilograms, or by converting 1 kilogram to 1000 grams.
No - it is 0.325 more (0.375 - 0.050) 0.05 is 50 thousandths 0.375 is 375 thousandths so 375 is bigger than 50 basically.
375 = 375/1 or 375 = 750/2 or 375 = 1125/3 you get the drift!
3852 100 + 3752 = 3852
no 37.5 is 100 times larger than 0.375
No, 375 is greater.
0.75 is larger. To determine which decimals are larger, always look at the first number after the decimal point. Whichever digit is larger is the larger number. If they're the same, look to the second digit to see which is bigger, and so on. In this case, because 7 is greater than 3, 0.75 is larger than 0.375.
(375) + (20%) = 375.2450 is 20% more than 375 .
The Bold and the Beautiful - 1987 1-3752 was released on: USA: 11 March 2002
Remember that the further your number is from zero, the smaller it is -- this means that once you go below 0.0, larger numbers will actually mean a smaller measurement, so 0.375 is a larger measurement than 0.0600 because it is closer to zero.
268 x 14 = 3752