The terms "even" and "odd" apply to whole numbers, not to decimals or fractions.
Odd. Even + Even = Even Odd + Odd = Even Odd + Even = Even + Odd = Odd
The number of odd numbers between 38 and n = int[abs(n - 38)/2]
"Two consecutive numbers" implies that these are whole numbers. Consecutive whole numbers have different parity - that is to say that one is odd and the other even, which means that their sum must be odd. Since 38 is even the problem has no solution.
odd * odd = odd answer even * even = even answer odd * even = even answer
Odd - as it is not dividable by 2 36 is even 38 is even
Odd. It's 165.
19 and 38
The parity rules are: Odd + Odd = Even Even + Even = Even Odd + Even = Odd Even + Odd = Odd So the parity where one number is even is that of the other number. This means that you can go through a list of numbers and ignore all the even numbers. Every PAIR of odd numbers has even parity and by the previous paragraph, even parity can be ignored. So you can pair off odd numbers and ignore them.
Odd. Even + Even = Even Odd + Odd = Even Odd + Even = Even + Odd = Odd
The number of odd numbers between 38 and n = int[abs(n - 38)/2]
"Two consecutive numbers" implies that these are whole numbers. Consecutive whole numbers have different parity - that is to say that one is odd and the other even, which means that their sum must be odd. Since 38 is even the problem has no solution.
Consecutive even numbers are any even numbers which are separated by one (uneven) number... so that 6 and 8 are consecutive even numbers... as are 22, 24 and 26. Similarly, consecutive odd numbers are numbers which are separated by one (even) number... so that 11 and 13 are consecutive odd numbers... as are 31, 33 and 35.
odd * odd = odd answer even * even = even answer odd * even = even answer
even times even = even odd times even = even odd times odd = odd
Yes. Even + Even = Even, Odd + Odd = Even and Even + Odd or Odd + Even = Odd