300 ml is a measure of volume. A decimal is a number - pure and simple - neither mass, nor volume, neither length not time. So there is no decimal that is the same as 300 ml.
You cannot add things with units to things without units. "300mL" has a unit. "2/3" does not. Please resubmit your question where both items either have units or do not.
300/1,000 = 3/10
None. A decimal is a pure number, with no measurement units associated with it. A millilitre is a measure of volume. According to the basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion between a dimensionless number and a measure of volume is not valid.
it is 60ml
Nope no no no big no no
1.25l, 150cl, 45cl, 750ml, 300ml, 0.35l
No, .3L=300mL
80-85 mph
max out at 80 mph
okay there is a couple ill list them 300cc go kart dune buggy 2 seats and free shipping. 5,325.02 jonway America Inc. Roketa Racing dune buggy 300cc free shipping. 3,795.12 boompowersports.com 2009 Gio sand jeep buggy 300cc water cool 4,999.95 eBay.com/eBay these are all the things i could think of.but they are at a great price for college.
300 ml is a measure of volume. A decimal is a number - pure and simple - neither mass, nor volume, neither length not time. So there is no decimal that is the same as 300 ml.
Perhaps around 90 mph.