The multiple of 100 closest to 3,375 is the 34th multiple ... 3,400 .
To convert 3375 to the nearest cents, we need to consider that cents are the hundredth part of a unit. Since 3375 is a whole number, we can consider it as 3375.00. The nearest cents to 3375.00 would be 3375.00 itself, as there is no fractional part to round up or down.
Expressed as a percentage, 2360/3375 x 100 = 69.925 recurring (that is, 69.925925..) percent.
That depends on what you are rounding to. 8.6 rounded to the nearest tenth (or less) is 8.6; to the nearest integer is 9; to the nearest multiple of 10 is 10; to the nearest multiple of 100 (or more) is 0.
To convert 3375 to the nearest cents, we need to consider that cents are the hundredth part of a unit. Since 3375 is a whole number, we can consider it as 3375.00. The nearest cents to 3375.00 would be 3375.00 itself, as there is no fractional part to round up or down.
the nearest multiple of 100 to 24,995 is 25,000
Expressed as a percentage, 2360/3375 x 100 = 69.925 recurring (that is, 69.925925..) percent.
That depends on what you are rounding to. 8.6 rounded to the nearest tenth (or less) is 8.6; to the nearest integer is 9; to the nearest multiple of 10 is 10; to the nearest multiple of 100 (or more) is 0.
The nearest multiple of 100 to 999 is 1000 ■
Rounding - to the nearest ten or hundred.