To determine if 3/7 is greater than 4/9, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 7 and 9 is 63. Converting 3/7 to have a denominator of 63 gives us 27/63, and converting 4/9 to have a denominator of 63 gives us 28/63. Comparing these fractions, we see that 28/63 (4/9) is indeed greater than 27/63 (3/7).
3/7 = 27/63
4/9 is greater than 3/7
5/7 = 25/35 3/5 = 21/35 5/7 is greater.
(2/7) of (5/9) of (3/8) of 168 = 10
No, four ninths is larger than three eighths. 3 divided by 8 equals 0.375 while four divided by 9 equals 0.4444444444. 0.444444 > 0.375
4/9 is greater than 3/7
We can convert both ninths and sevenths into a common fraction, by multiplying nine by seven, to get 63. So, 4/9 = 28/63 and 3/7 = 27/63. You can then easily see that 28/63 is exactly 1/63 larger than 27/63. So it is true, 4/9 is indeed greater than 3/7. Not much greater, but slightly greater.
3/4=27/36 7/9=28/36 7/9>3/4
4/9 is bigger than 3/7
3 and 6/7 is larger than 3 and 5/7.
No.To convert 2/9 to twenty-sevenths you multiply the denominator by 3 (9* 3 = 27). You must therefore also multiply the numerator by the same amount. 2 * 3 = 6.Therefore 2/9 = 6/27. 6/27 is greater than and not equal to 5/27.
4/9 is equal to about 0.44 3/7 is equal to about 0.43 4/9 is a little bigger than 3/7
2/3 = 6/9 and so it is greater than 4/9
2/7 is 3/14 less than 1/2.