Is 12.05 a rational number or irrational number?
1.96 is a rational number
There is no such thing as a number that is both rational and irrational. By definition, every number is either rational or irrational.
Yes, it is.
It is a rational number.
4328 * 8 = 34,624
012765 4328 716 981
The phone number of the St. Helena Branch is: 225-222-4328.
It is: (IV)CCCXXVIII which means 1000*4+300+20+8 = 4328
It is a rational number. It can be written as a fraction.
The phone number of the Angeles Mesa Branch is: 323-292-4328.
Is 12.05 a rational number or irrational number?
1.96 is a rational number
It is a rational number, as it can be written as a fraction.
Yes, the sum is always rational.