To write 493 in expanded form, you would break down the number into its constituent parts based on its place value. 493 is composed of 4 hundreds (400), 9 tens (90), and 3 ones. Therefore, in expanded form, 493 would be written as 400 + 90 + 3.
A prime number can only be divided by itself and one, therefore 741 is a prime number.
Any prime number.
The expanded form of a number breaks it down into its individual place values. For the number 493, the expanded form is 400 + 90 + 3. This shows that 493 is composed of 4 hundreds, 9 tens, and 3 ones.
293 is a prime number.
493 is not prime. 493 = 17 * 29
17 x 29 = 493
They are: 17*29 = 493
17 and 29 are both prime, so the LCM is 17 * 29 = 493
Staying within natural numbers:493 ÷ 1 = 493493 ÷ 17 = 29493 ÷ 29 = 17493 ÷ 493 = 1Therefore, 493 as a product of prime factors is 17 × 29.
The only factors are prime: 17 and 29
493 is 85% of 580
Nope. 17*29 = 493. Just so you know there's a wikipedia page called list of prime numbers. Covers the first 500 or so I think.
493 + 8 = 501
1, 2, 17, 29, 34, 58, 493, 986 2, 17 and 29 are prime.
There in no number 503, as there are only 493 Pokemon.
493 which is Arceus.