Yes. For decimal numbers with no significant digit to the left of the decimal point, if the first of two numbers has a higher digit next right from the decimal point than the second number does, the first is always greater.
9km is bigger than 8500m which equals 8.5km
170 + 53 = 223
No. 0.909 is bigger than 0.9
503 base 10 = 767 base 8 503 base 8 = 323 base 10
No, 53 is not bigger than 53.7.
503/100 = 53/100
97. It is a prime number and it is bigger than 53.
That's an infinite list, started by 53.
Earth is about 53% larger than Mars in terms of diameter.
63.53 is greater than 63.35. We can actually ignore the "63" part (as it is common to both numbers) and simply ask which is bigger 0.53 or 0.35? Just as 53 is bigger than 35, 0.53 is bigger than 0.35.
Because it is far easier than writing 1,1,1,1 ... 503 times!
Yes. Think about it this way. On 53.6 take away the .6 now is 536 bigger than 53? Yes it is.
No, the population of California is approx. 38.8 million.The population of England is approx. 53 million.
The factors of 503 are: 1, 503.
No. 53 is larger than 0.8