5.9 is less than 59. When comparing two numbers, the placement of the decimal point is crucial. In this case, 5.9 is less than 59 because the decimal point in 5.9 is one place to the right of the decimal point in 59, making it a smaller value.
Less than < Greater than >
less than
greater than= > less than= <
The "is greater than" and "is less than" symbols are the relations of an equality. this is the greater than symbol > this is the less than symbol <
59 is less than 710.
greater than four.
67 is greater than 59, but less than 59 and 72.
Sticking with integers, numbers less than 60 but greater than 55 are 56, 57, 58 and 59.
53, 59
53 59 61.
Two: 53 and 59
59*10= 590, 590 is less than 621
35 + 59 = 94 Therefor 94 is 39 greater than 59.
41 43 47 53 59 61
The number is 57.