

Is 60 divisible by 8

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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2 x 6 + 0 = 12

2 x 1 + 2 = 4

4 is not [divisible by] 8, so 60 is not divisible by 8.

(The remainder when 60 is divided by 8 is 4).

To test divisibility by 8:

Add together the hundreds digit multiplied by 4, the tens digit multiplied by 2 and the units (ones) digit.

If this sum is divisible by 8 so is the original number.

(Otherwise the remainder of this sum divided by 8 is the remainder when the original number is divided by 8.)

If you repeat this sum on the sum until a single digit remains, then if that digit is 8, the original number is divisible by 8 otherwise it gives the remainder when the original number is divided by 8 (except if the single digit is 9, in which case the remainder is 9 - 8 = 1).

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