No, 62381 is not greater than 62831. To compare these two numbers, you start by looking at the leftmost digit. In this case, both numbers have a 6 in the ten-thousands place. Moving to the next digit, 2 is less than 8, so 62381 is less than 62831.
Greater than sign
greater than
greater than
Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.
Is -3 greater than 3 greater than seven
< > = Greater than , less than and equal too
greater than
7 g is greater than 698 mg7 g > 698 mg
Well, isn't that a happy little question! Let's take a look at our numbers here. 0.4 is indeed greater than 0.08 because 4 tenths is more than 8 hundredths. Just remember, every number is special in its own way, and they all have a place on our canvas of mathematics.
0.575 is greater than 0.1069
greater than
7.5 is greater than 7.05 is.