67 is a Prime Number.
67 is a prime number. Its only positive integer factors are itself and 1.
The first step in identifying factors would be to break a number down into its prime factors. In this case, the number 67 is already prime, so cannot be broken down any further. Thus, the only factors of 67 are 1 and 67. The factors of any prime number are always just 1 and itself.
67 is a prime number, so only the number 1
All the prime numbers between 50 and 75 are 53, 59, 61, 67, 71 and 73.
67 = 67. It is a prime!
67 is a prime number and is consequently only divisible by 1 and itself.67 is already prime; no need for a factorization.
67 is prime. There's no such thing as a "prime composite number".
67 is a prime number.
67 is a prime number.
67 is already prime.
67 is a prime number.Prime.67 is a prime number
None. 67 is a prime number.
4, composite. 67, prime.
The only prime number that equals 67 is 67.
It can be. 67 is a prime factor of 134.
67 is already prime; no factorization required.