074 = 74 is bigger than 7.
Yes. 8 cups is equivalent to 64 fluid ounces, which is less than 74 fluid ounces.
74 fl oz. is greater.
(n - 27)
0.74 is bigger than 0.7. When comparing decimals, you look at the place value of each digit from left to right. In this case, the hundreds place in 0.74 is greater than the tenths place in 0.7, making 0.74 the larger number.
074 = 74 is bigger than 7.
Well, honey, 2 yards is bigger than 74 inches. You see, there are 36 inches in a yard, so 2 yards would be 72 inches. So, in this case, 2 yards takes the cake in the size department.
7.4 * 10 = 74 is ten times bigger.
Yes, it is bigger. 8 cups is 64 fl oz.
Yes. 8 cups is equivalent to 64 fluid ounces, which is less than 74 fluid ounces.
74 inches is 2 inches bigger 36 + 36 = 72
Since 4 pounds equals 64 ounces - 74 ounces would be bigger.
There are 25.4 millimetres in one inch. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 7107 millimetres is equal to 7107/25.4 = 279.80 inches.
The United States is bigger than England and the population is bigger.For example:United States: 310 millionEngland: 51 million(although China has over a billion)
74 fl oz. is greater.