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72 = 2 x 36 = 2 x 62

and 72 = 8 x 9 = 8 x 32

Some of the factors of 72 can be represented as perfect squares but not all the factors, hence 72 itself is NOT a perfect square number.

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Q: Is 72 a perfect square
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How do you determine that 72 is not a square number?

You take the square root of the number. If it is a perfect square, this will be a whole number. If it is not, it isn't a perfect square.

Is 72 an integer is a perfect square?

No because its square root is an irrational number

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51 is not a perfect square. 72 = 49 82 = 64 51 is between 49 and 64 so its square root is 7+a bit, and it is not a perfect square.

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Is the square root of 72 a rational or irrational number?

The square root of 72 is an irrational number. Since 72 is not a perfect square, the decimal is endless. (just like the value of pi)

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A perfect square has the condition that it must be any positive integer multiplied by itself. The closest perfect squares to 50 are 7*7 = 72 = 49 and 8*8 = 82 = 64 since 50 lies between 49 and 64, it must be it is not the square of a positive integer and, therefore, is not a perfect square.

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2, 8, 18, 32, 50, 72...

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It is a proper fraction and can be simplified to 25/36 whose square root is 5/6

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Is 72 a square number?

no. 72 is not a square number.

Is 200 a perfect square?

200 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.

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No, 325 is not a perfect square however 324 is a perfect square.