74 fl oz. is greater.
1 c = 8 fl oz2 c = 16 fl oz..8 c = 64 fl oz74 is more than that.
Yes. 8 cups is equivalent to 64 fluid ounces, which is less than 74 fluid ounces.
Less than 1 fl oz = 1/8 cups 16 = 2 cups
greater than
74 fl oz. is greater.
Since 4 pounds equals 64 ounces - 74 ounces would be bigger.
greater than
26 fl oz is equal to about 3.25 cups, so it is greater than 3 cups.
1 fl oz = 0.125 cups 74 x 0.125 = 9.25 cups yes 74 fl oz (9.25 cups) is great than 8 cups by 1.25 cups
1 c = 8 fl oz2 c = 16 fl oz..8 c = 64 fl oz74 is more than that.
less than
1 pt = 16 fl oz 16 pt = 256 fl oz. Without taking the time to work it out, it looks to me as if that's probably greater than 74 fl oz.
less than
Yes. 8 cups is equivalent to 64 fluid ounces, which is less than 74 fluid ounces.