Yes, 97 can be divided evenly only by 1 and 97 itself. This is because 97 is a prime number, which means it has only two factors: 1 and the number itself. Any attempt to divide 97 by any other number will result in a remainder, making it indivisible by any other whole number.
97 is a prime number - therefore the only answer is 97 & 1
Yes 97 is an odd number. It's actually something you should know by head already.
The only positive whole numbers are ' 1 ' and 97. It's a prime number.
194 is twice 97
Odd times even is even.
97 is an odd number. The reason it's an odd number because when you divide it by 2 there is a remainder of 1. For example 97 / 2 = 48 and a remainder of 1.
97 and 1 because it's a prime number
The number 97 multiplied by itself equals 97: 97 x 1 = 97
The divisors of 97 are: 1, 97.
That number is 97.
Dialing 97 and then a telephone number will reach a wrong number.
No because 97 is a prime number
The only even prime number is 2. 12-10=2, 13-11=2, 14-12=2,...99-97=2.
97 is a prime number