what iswatson993
No, 1,993 is not even close to 1,000 because 1,993 is 993 away from 1,000
1050 people - 675 children = 375 adults 675 to 375 9 children to 5 adults
A fever in adults is a temperature above 100.4F or 99.5F for children
Aspirin or (preferably) acetominophen, but find the cause of the fever first.
993×100% = 99,300%
Adults usually do not get a fever with a cold, it is more likely to be the flu, sinus infection, or another infection when there is a high fever and cold symptoms. There may be a low grade fever of 99-100F in adults with a cold. Higher fevers usually indicate a more serious infection, unless in children, who can have higher fevers than adults with the common cold and require examination by a health care professional to evaluate the fever and symptoms.
No, its not a prime. 3 x 331 = 993
993 multiplied by 825 is 819,225
No. 540 is smaller than 993.
993 miles = 1,598.07859 kilometers
You get the answer be dividing 993 by 2800. That works out to be 35.5%.
It is 993 as in the question. There is no reason to add a decimal point.