No, but a "googolplex" is. It is equal to 10googol, a googol being 10100.
In other words, a googolplex is equal to 101000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
Writing that number out in it's full form is impossible, as there is not enough storage space in the world for it. In fact, if you were to attempt to write out the number, there would not be enough space in the universe to write it.
It is however a number, despite the impossibility of truly conceiving it's size.
yes Google Plex is a number which is in fact so big that if you were to wright that number, there would not be enough space in the universe to wright it.
Infinties are actually different sizes-which may sound stupid but the decimal infinity is longer then the whole number infinity-because you can have a much wider variety of combinations of decimal numbers. However, infinties are generally known to be bigger then both a google-plex to the power of a google-plex, or even bigger then a graham's number, which is the biggest number anyone has been able to think of.
no it goes much much much higher to like duodecillion with 64 zeros but that is like nothing compared to google plexes E.G. 7 google plex is 1 with 700 zeros
Goggleplex is not a number
Googolplex is not the biggest number in the world because numbers go on into infinity.Googolplex is usually considered to be the highest namednumber in the world, but there are those who disagree. The prefix -plex means to make that number before it the exponent where the power is 10. (X-plex=10x) So you could theoretically just add another -plex to googolplex and you get googolplexplex or 10 to the googolplex power. And you could keep adding as many -plex's as you want! The -plex formula works with any number so, for example, fourplex would be 104 or 10,000.
Not googolplex plus one. That is not a number. It is googolplexplex
Google-Plex , a google is a 1 followed by 100 zeroes , a google-plex is a google followed by another 100 zeroes
Yes, A Google To The Power of a google. Google- 1 Followed By a 100 Zeros. Awesome! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <<
Infinties are actually different sizes-which may sound stupid but the decimal infinity is longer then the whole number infinity-because you can have a much wider variety of combinations of decimal numbers. However, infinties are generally known to be bigger then both a google-plex to the power of a google-plex, or even bigger then a graham's number, which is the biggest number anyone has been able to think of.
Furthermore, no number is equal to infinity because infinity is not a number, it is a concept, so theoretically, no number could be equal to it.
Very big... Scientists probably don't have an answer for something like that. But, the highest known number, which is a number (infinity is not), is either google, google plex, or centillion.
first times google times google then add pi then you get the answer. :D
Pretty sure it's 88, so long as it's less than google or google plex.
Gangnam Style by Psy
No, that's not infinity. That's (10 ^ 10 ^ 100) + 1
Googolplex* and I'm hesitant to give your impressionable mind the wrong information, but infinity is not necessarily larger because infinity is a concept, not a number. Infinity istrying to count all the numbers between 0 and 1... where do you start? A number can always be made smaller by
Milton surely a a 9 year nephew of a mathematician