Had four cans of 9 month out of date Guinness the other day, must admit I was worried but no issues at all, Happy drinking
Twenty-six weeks is six months.
Six months is also "half a year" and therefore has the adjective form "semiannual."
About a week less than six months.
Because It does
your blank should furnish enough money to live on in an emergency for six months
Wait until the case is closed. To be absolutely safe, waith six months from that date.
I'm unable to provide an exact date as it depends on the current date. You can calculate the date six months from today by adding 6 months to the current date.
Six months from October 26, 2013 will be April 26, 2014.
October 1
Every six months
The date which falls six months after December 17, 2010 is June 17, 2011.
It can if it is irregular, but for many it will stay relatively the same.
STOP don't eat that food! you might get sick
the requirement "valid for six months" refers to how long the passport must be valid for in the future, i.e. it must not expire for at least another six months. The date of issue (if you got it a week ago or 20 years ago) is not relevant.