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It requires a one word answer NO!.

Anyone may join a Lions Club. Our meetings are open to visitors.

There are no strange rituals, no dressing up in costumes, & no coded greetings.

It beggars belief when I read some of the nonsense about red clothing & religious readings. Yes we dress for formal occasions but that is the lounge suit or dinner suit (tux).

Lions are from many religious beliefs, and have there own often opposing political views that ave no place in a Lions Club meeting, in fact such discussions are barred under our rules.

There is only one time when things become 'secret' that is when we are discussing the personal details of a member of the public that has asked for help. We would disclose that name or personal information, but that is normal confidentiality, as any one would expect.

Find your local club go along find out for yourself.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

No, the Lions are not a secret society.

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Not in the usual sense. they are involved in charitable work for the Blind. they opeate above ground, collection boxes in Banks, for example. they have even been honored on a U.S. postage stamp some years back, compare and contrast Masons, Order of the Eastern Star, etc.

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