A diamond is not a square, but a square is a diamond.
A diamond is another name for rhombus.
Square, rectangle,Diamond,Parallelogram & rhombus
Diamond (or technically, a rhombus)
A square is always a rhombus, but a rhombus is notalways a square.
Square, Rectangle, Parallelogram, Rhombus, Trapezium, Diamond, Kite
Is a rhombus.
A square is well a square while a rhombus is a square on one of the corners (a square diamond)
Square and a Diamond
A Rhombus is a square tilted to form a diamond shape
A rhombus is not a square because it does not have four 90 degree angles, however a rhombus does have four equal sides. A rhombus is also known as a diamond.
A rhombus is a equalateral quadrilateral. It is a leaning square or a side ways diamond.
no becase a rectangle is like a stretched out square and a rhombus is a diamond
A rhombus is a square tilted on it's side. Or a rhombus is a diamond, or the sandbox looked like a rhombus.
Also called a Diamond or Lozenge. A rhombus with right angles is called a square.
yesYes. Because a diamond is a rhombus and a rhombus is pretty much a slanted square. And a rhombus is a parallelogram.ol kanels ihd de jeuvo hue tango oche les mal
A rhombus, kite, or diamond
a square a rectangle a rhombus and a diamond
A diamond is also known as a rhombus. A rhombus can have right angles except that it then also becomes a square.