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Q: Is a pluse rate ofover 100 to high?
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How do you write the qoutient of 100 and the quantity 6 pluse w?

It depends on what is wrong with it.

How much does it cost to fix a template screen?

about 100 thought 200 pluse tax

What is a pulse rate for a 65 year old woman?

There is no specific number for an ideal pulse rate for a 67 year old. There is a range for a normal adult pulse. That range falls between 60 to 100 beats per minute.

How high is a high literacy rate?

The highest literacy rate possible is 100. Countries with a 100 percent literacy rates for both male and female are Finland, Norway, Greenland and so on.

Do all 100 percent of both males and females in Japan have an extremely very high IQ rate?

Most definitely yes they do have an extremely very high IQ rate.

What is the pulse rate of 4 year old after salbatumol?

The pulse rate will be high around 80 to 100.

Is a resting heart rate of 100 normal?

I actually went to the dr yesterday and my resting heart rate was over 100. That is not normal and she recommended that I have my thyroid checked. You definitely need to see a dr if you have a high heart rate.

Do all 100 percent of both male and female Japanese people in Japan have an extremely very high IQ rate?

Most definitely yes they have an extremely very high IQ rate.

What is a rate of a rate?

The rate of a rate is 100

What is the rate of a rate?

The rate of a rate is 100

What is the literacy rate of Latvia?

The literacy rate of Latvia is estimated to be around 99.9%, indicating a high level of education and proficiency in reading and writing among its population.

You have tachycardia your rate is around 96 is this ok?

A heart rate of 96 is not tachycardia. By definition tachycardia is a rate above 100. However a heart rate of 96 is high. Its probably not something your doctor will treat but worthwhile getting it checked out.