Yes. The pound and ounce (avoirdupois) are English units of measurement.
There are 16 ounces (avoirdupois) to the pound.
This ounce is not directly related to the fluid ounce, a unit of volume (1/16 pint, 1/32 quart).
Does 6 of a pound weigh more than an ounce
Yes! Sixteen ounces equal a pound.
An ounce.
less than
Since there are 16 oz. in one pound, 8 oz. = 1/2 pound. Therefore, 1/2 pound is greater than one fourth pound.
Well, 16 ounces are in a pound so a pound is greater than 10 ounces.
A pound is 16 times bigger than one ounce. (1 pound = 16 ounces).
A pound is 16 times greater than an ounce
A pound is sixteen ounces.
i dont know it hha tricked you
A pound is bigger than an ounce
The answer is a "half-pound" or "8 ounces." It is lighter than a pound (16 ounces) but heavier than an ounce (1/16 of a pound).
Does 6 of a pound weigh more than an ounce
No. Pound is the larger unit. The pound is bigger in a total.
No. There are 16 ounces in a pound.
Not equal. 24 pound is greater. 1 pound = 16 ounce (oz)