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If those are the legs, the hypotenuse is √113

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Q: Is a right triangle. If AC 7 and BC 8 find AB. Leave your answer in simplest radical form.?
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The figures given in the question cannot be a triangle, leave alone a right angled triangle.

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15 radical 2

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the answer is 8

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10(radical "2") units, or about 14.1 units.

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The length of the hypotenuse is 5

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This is the simplest Pythagorean Triple (52 = 32 + 42) so it's a right(-angled) triangle

How do you determine that the triangle is a right triangle?

If a triangle has a right angle, it is a right triangle.

What kind of triangle has a right angle?

A right triangle is a triangle with a right angle.a right triangle is a triangle with 1 side as a right angle

What is equivalence logic?

1. A triangle is a right triangle if and only if it has a right angle. 2. A triangle has a right angle if and only if it is a right triangle.

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a right triangle has one right angleA triangle with a right angle is a right triangle.

A triangle with one right angle?

A triangle with 1 right angle is a right angle triangle.