It is a sphere
A cube is a three dimensional square, and a sphere is a three dimensional circle.
For it to be three dimensional, it would be a sphere.
Shapes, in three dimensions. eg. cubes, spheres, pyramids etc. heres an example of each: cube: a dice. sphere: a ball. pyramid: a pyramid. Two dimensional shapes are things like squares, circles and triangles.
It is a sphere
a sphere
The shape of the globe is a sphere.
its a sphere
A sphere
An irregular sphere-like shape.
A sphere is a three dimentional shape, a circle is a two dimentional shape. You can't pick up a circle, it can only be drawn. In differential geometry, a one dimensional sphere is a point, a two dimensional sphere is a circle and a three dimensional sphere is what we call a "sphere", there is no limit to the number of dimensions a sphere can have.
If the shape is two-dimensional then it is a circle, if the shape is three-dimensional then it's a sphere.
a polyhedron * * * * * That is only if it is bounded by plane faces. A sphere, for example, is a three dimensional shape but is not a polyhedron: it is a solid shape.