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The means of repeated samples from any population.

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Q: Is a type of data that is likely to be normally distributed?
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What type of data is stored in cache memory?

Cache memory normally stored instructions and data that the processor likely to use frequently.

What is the appropriate measure of average that must be used?

The appropriate measure of average that must be used depends on the type of data being analyzed and the research question being asked. For example, if the data is numerical and normally distributed, the mean is often used as the measure of average. If the data includes outliers or is not normally distributed, the median may be a more appropriate measure of average. Similarly, if the data is categorical or ordinal, the mode may be the appropriate measure of average.

What type of disk normally stores the greatest amount of data?

Blue-ray disc

What is a data string?

A data type consisting of more than one letter, like a word or a sentence. A single letter is normally known as a character data type. Normally strings are enclosed in double quotation marks and single letters are enclosed in single quotations marks: 'a' "animal"

What type of biologists is least likely to collect data by controlled experiments?

evolutionary biologist

Offsite data refers to what type of data?

Offsite data is sending data to a critical main location. Data is normally transported using storage media such as magnetic tips and optical storage. Many companies choose to store data with third parties.

What type of biologist is least likely to collect data by doing controlled experiments?

evolutionary biologist

When using statistical analysis normality is based on what?

Many statistics are based on the assumption that various underlying data or functions of data are normally distributed. For example, the t and F tests are based on this type of assumption; but there are many others. In practice, many data that may be observed follow approximate normal distributions because they are, in effect, sums of random variables and the central limit theorem comes into play. In other practical situations, functions of the data are known to follow the normal distribution in most cases. For example, in many cases taking the logarithm or the arcsin of data values will yield (approximately) normally distributed values. Beyond this, it is well known that many statistical procedures perform well even when the underlying distribution is not normal. They are said to be 'robust' and can be safely applied provided that certain conditions are met.

What is the difference between Clustered Systems and Distributed Systems?

clustered system: systems having many computers with shared storage and linked by a lan or network.distributed system:systems having many computers connected by a network and there is no shared storage.Distributed computing is computing done on computers connected by a network. Clusters are one type of distributed computing. MPPs are another. Grid computing is a third.

What does data mining mean and how is it done?

Data mining is a computer science which extract patterns in data sets. It can be used to predict which people are most likely to respond to a sales offer or what type of garment is preferred by a certain type of customer.

What are command parameters?

Normally, the CommandParameter is used to pass specific information to the command when it is executed. The type of the data is defined by the command.

What server type is normally used for data farm and archive server operations?

Mid- tier server