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Yes. Although it can also be used for constants whose value is not yet known.

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Q: Is a variable used to represent a quantity whose value may change or vary?
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What is done to a variable to represent a unknown quality?

Nothing specifically is "done" to the variable; variables are generally used to represent either:* A quantity that is initially unknown (and should be solved for), or * A quantity that can be anything - to analyze what happens no matter what a certain value is.

A quanity that can have more than a single value is called?

A quantity that can have more than a single value is called a variable. In mathematics, variables represent unknown or changing values that can take on different numerical values.

What is the difference between constants and variables?

A variable is a quantity which changes its value through out the program or its lifetime. But a constant is a quantity which does not change its value through out its life time. There are 5 basic constants.

What does dependant quantity mean?

A dependent quantity is a variable that is determined by another variable, known as the independent variable. The dependent variable's value depends on the value of the independent variable. This relationship is often represented in a mathematical or statistical model.

A quantity whose value changes?

A variable

Is a value a number that represents a quantity or an amount?

Yes, a value can represent a quantity or amount.

What does varbile mean in math term?

If you mean a variable then it is an unknown quantity that can represent many values until its specific value is determined usually by solving an equation.

Quantity that can have more than a single value?

It is variable

A quantity that can have more than a single value?

It is variable

What quantity do units represent in a value?

they show the magnitude

What does mu mean in quantity?

In statistics, "mu" is often used to represent the population mean of a variable. It represents the average value of a given data set in the entire population.

A letter used to represent a value?

a variable