Depending on the class and school a 90% grade is usually an A. 90 to 100 are considered, most places, A's.
You do not even need to get a 30% on the final. If you have a 100% in the class and get a 0% on the final, you willl still have an 85% in the class.
90 percent is an a ofc. Like and A cannot be a B C or D because they are way too low.
about 90
Grade equivalent score is interpreted by comparing the percentage to the actual letter grade given. In most instances a 90 percent or greater is equivalent to an A letter grade.
Depending on the class and school a 90% grade is usually an A. 90 to 100 are considered, most places, A's.
You do not even need to get a 30% on the final. If you have a 100% in the class and get a 0% on the final, you willl still have an 85% in the class.
90% and +.........100%
You score 90%. Your grade will depend on the grade boundaries determined by the testing organisation and any other normalisation.
The perfect percentage grade would be 100%. Usually 90% for just an A grade.
Generally 90-100 % will give you letter grade A