

Best Answer

No. An isoscles triangle is any triangle with two equal sides ... which means it's

going to have two equal angles, but they don't have to be any particular number.

The only requirement on the angles in the triangle is that all three of them must

add up to 180 degrees.

45-45-90 is an isosceles right triangle, and there are an infinite number of other

isosceles triangles that have no 90-degree angle in them.

You could have a very tall isosceles triangle sitting on a very skinny base, where

the two angles on the base are both 89 degrees, and the one way up at the top

is 2 degrees.

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Q: Is an isosceles triangle always a 45-45-90 triangle?
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No. A scalene triangle is never isosceles. An isosceles triangle has two equal sides. A scalene triangle has none.

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sometimes, but not always

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