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A scalene has three sides of unequal lengths, and all threes angles different.

The largest angle defines the triangle¹:

  • acute: a scalene triangle could have sides 6, 9, 10
  • right angle: a scalene triangle could have sides 6, 8, 10
  • obtuse: a scalene triangle could have sides 6, 7, 10

So a scalene triangle could be any of acute, right angle or obtuse.

¹In terms of acute, right angle or obtuse. Triangles can also be defined in terms of their sides: equilateral (all three sides equal), isosceles (two sides equals) or scalene (no sides equal)

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A scalene triangle has three unequal sides.

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Q: Is an scalene triangle an obtuse or an right triangle?
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Is a scalene triangle is obtuse.?

It is impossible to have an obtuse AND scalene triangle, because in order for it to be obtuse, it must have one obtuse angle but, in order for a triangle to be scalene it must have two equivalent sides. So, in the end if you have an obtuse and scalene triangle, it is not longer a triangle.

Different kinds of triangle?

there is equilateral triangle, right triangle, isosceles triangle, obtuse triangle, acute triangle, scalene triangle and oblique triangle

Does an obtuse triangle have to be scalene?

No. An obtuse triangle can be isosceles. It just can't be a right or equilateral triangle.

Which type of triangle is impossible to draw?

right obtuse triangle

Does an equilateral triangle right triangle isosceles triangle or a scalene triangle have 1 obtuse angle?

Either an isosceles or a scalene triangle can have one right angle.

Can you draw a scalene obtuse triangle?

Yes. Scalene simply means that a triangle's sides are all different lengths. Obtuse means that a triangle has an obtuse angle. Therefore, you can have an obtuse scalene triangle.

A scalene triangle can also be an what triangle?

a scalene can be a right-angled triangle or a obtuse angled triangle or a acute angled triangle depending on the angles of the triangle.

What is the difference between an scalene right triangle and a scalene obtuse triangle?

A scalene triangle is a triangle in which all three sides have different lengths. The difference between a scalene right triangle and a scalene obtuse triangle is that in the first one, we can find the measure length of the third side when we know the lengths of the two other sides, and in the second one we cannot.

What triangles is impossible to draw right obtuse triangle right scalene triangle acute isosceles triangles or a obtuse scalene triangle?

A triangle can only have 1 right angle or 1 obtuse angle in it because its 3 interior angles add up to 180 degrees

Why can't a scalene triangle be obtuse?

A scalene triangle CAN be obtuse. A scalene triangle just has to have different measurement on all three sides.

Which of the following triangles are impossible to draw?

a right obtuse triangle, a scalene triangle, and a right equilateral triangle

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