No. Division by zero (whatever number you're dividing) is undefined.
Any integer divided by a non-zero integer is rational.
No. Division by 0 is not permitted.
Any fraction p/q where p is an integer and q is a non-zero integer is rational.
No, you cannot write any irrational number as a fraction.
Any integer divided by a non-zero integer is rational.
No. Division by 0 is not permitted.
You CAN'T divide by zero.
In division by three, possible nonzero remainders are 1 and 2.
Usually not.
Yes. A rational number is defined as any integer divided by any (nonzero) integer, so 22/7 is rational.You're probably asking because some people say that Pi is equal to 22/7 (I also remember being told this once as a kid). This is false. The constant Pi is an irrational number, which means that it cannot be expressed exactly as one integer divided by another integer, or as a finite decimal expansion. 22/7 is a close approximation of Pi, to about three digits, but it does not equal Pi.
Any fraction p/q where p is an integer and q is a non-zero integer is rational.
Any nonzero number raised to the power of zero is equal to one (1).By definition.
The LCf of any two nonzero whole numbers is one because every nonzero whole number can be divided by it.
A quantity which does not equal zero is said to be nonzero.
Any number of the form k*52 where k is an integer.
It is always 1