CUFCE is an accredited academic evaluation institution with recognition from several U.S. Department of Education recognized organizations. Therefore, CUFCE academic equivalency evaluations are accepted by various accredited colleges and universities as well as employers.
an Identity equivalency
Some might say an "undecagon", but this is actually incoorect as it is a mixture of the greek and latin nominclature. The preferred (and commonly accpeted) name of a normal 11-sided polygon is "hendecagon". Further, whist many polygons have specific names many do not. As there are is infinite number of them this would not be possible. It is therefore acceptable to call is an 'n-gon' as in a 53-gon.
To be identical or equivalent to something else.
A metric ton is a unit of weight, whereas a cubic meter is a unit of volume, so there is no conversion. Think of it this way: A metric ton of styrofoam will occupy far more volume than a metric ton of lead or tungsten. For water at 4C and 760mmHg 1 liter equals 1 kilogram, although this is no longer the SI definition of one liter. So for water at ideal conditions 1 metric ton = 1 cubic meter. Many industries dealing with fluids at or near the density of water use this equivalency as a shortcut even if it is not quite accurate.
24 and 30 are not equivalent as they are different numbers. However, if you are looking for a number that is equivalent to the sum of 24 and 30, that would be 54. Equivalency refers to numbers or expressions that have the same value, whereas addition combines numbers to find a sum.
Not if you cannot spell accepted.
The equivalency is a size 7 in womans
It is about 29 inches
an Identity equivalency
Only individuals who have not earned a high school diploma may take the GED .... Council on Education, awards a Maine High School Equivalency Diploma to ...
Rutgers University
2.46 = 123/50
In the 4th century Emperor Constantine declared the christian faith to be permissible. Later he made into state religion.
If you mean "What is the earth made for", then there's no clear answer. It is commonly accpeted in science that the earth was not 'made' for any purpose, but created out of chance.
Raymond G. Hodges has written: 'High school equivalency test guide' -- subject(s): Handbooks, manuals, High school equivalency examinations
Maybe he is facing a situation of insecurity right now. Or he needs to feel accpeted by the one he loves.
The equivalency of Pi in a fraction is 22/7.