"What is five thousand seven hundred sixty-five divided by thirty-eight?" Five thousand seven hundred sixty-five divided by thirty-eight is 151.71052631578947368421052631579
One hundred thirty-five thousandOne hundred and thirty-five thousand
1 and 5
what is thirty divided by six sevenths
Seventeen and thirty-five hundredths is 17.35
35 is spelled "thirty five". When used as an adjective, it should be hyphenated, as in "I had thirty-five marbles."
It should be hyphenated thirty-five thousand. The numeral value is 35000 or 35,000 (comma according to style).
The numeral 35 is spelled "thirty-five" (in the US, the adjective is hyphenated).
No, the word "thirty first floor" is not hyphenated.
35 is not hyphenated, however, thirty-five is, used as an adjective before a noun. For example: 'I've lived here for 35 years' or 'She is 35 years old'. But: A 35-year-old car. (thirty-five-year-old car) (Note the 's' disappears)
Any two or three word adjective should be hyphenated ONLY when used as an adjective. Example, "It was his thirty-second birthday." "There was a thirty second delay in rebroadcasting Carl's speech."
That is the correct spelling (hyphenated) for the fractional parts "thirty-seconds" (i.e. multiples of 1/32).
Thirty five Thirty-five
It is hyphenated as "ninety-five thousand."
No. It is three thirty, but in five minutes time it will be three thirty-five.
thirty-five-hundredths = 0.35
Thirty-five thousandths